Kyle Faehnrich (Goons & Goblins)
Kyle Faehnrich, Chicago-based illustrator, has been making comics since he was 6 years old. He's only gotten better since then. Kyle's artistic inspirations range from shonen manga, western horror comics, french psychedelic sci-fantasy and traditional woodcut prints. Motivated by the DIY nature of underground comics, Kyle has been self-publishing short horror comics through his brand, Goons & Goblins, since 2018. Kyle earned his Bachelor's degree in Illustration from Columbia College Chicago in 2019. Endlessly fascinated by the macabre and the unknown lurking at the fringes of human understanding, he strives to create fantastical worlds and characters that dance at the crossroads of horror and humor. When he's not hunched over his drawing tablet, Kyle can be found drumming, playing video games, watching horror movies, or out enjoying nature.
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